Singaporean hottie Sun Tan a.k.a the Sextisfy blogger show us she knows how to ride it in the third sex tape below. In the first stand up doggy style sex video we got to see her sweet little sexy ass. And in the second video, we saw some carpark staircase public exhibitionist sex. Now we can watch as she is fucked from down under with her bouncing boobs on top in the third video below. She tried to cover her tattoo for the first part of the video but then she she went crazy and let everything go. Watch the third sex video and just wait for the fourth very public exhibitionist on the STREET sex/blowjob video.
Get the Sex Video download below the NEW screen shots.
The is discovering way too many sextisfy videos of this couple, the fourth one is coming very soon. You will enjoy watching Sun Tan sexy body fucking her "Two Minute Man" like there will be no tomorrow in this the third sex video but it is not the last one. The video available for download below is the third video of several more of Sun Tan that will be posted. This sex tape was sent to the by the original tipster. Only the tipster who sent the naked Sun Tan pictures and videos knew to contact me through a particular unpublished email address. So I was very surprised when an email was received from Sun Tan herself, it was sent to via an unpublished email address from her email account that is associted with the "Sextisfy" blog. Here is the only entry to her blog entitled "Sun hopes" that could be found, at the time this entry was made the blog was named ascension to the next phase but under the same URL:
ascension to the next phase
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sun hopes...
well if there's any exhibitionist couple out there or swingers out there? add us on msn...
The blog post above was originally posted under the URL:
The blog's achieve was deleted when the blog was removed but you can still find the saved cached HERE on Yahoo search. You can find this cache page on Yahoo for yourself by searching for "," her Sextisty exhibitionist blog's URL. The same place she posted the police report a week ago and then removed it earlier this week.
Here is the first email she sent HERE. And HERE is the third email she sent along with the second sex video. And then HERE is the second email she sent along with the first sex video. If the "ex-boyfriend" is actually in fact the one who leaked and send the sex pictures and video to the I can safely say he is not doing himself any favors. The comments on his lack of endurance just keep coming. He was dub the "Two Minute Man" yesterday in the comments section of the last post. The video download links are below after the pics and screen shots. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Here is the first email she sent HERE. And HERE is the third email she sent along with the second sex video. And then HERE is the second email she sent along with the first sex video. If the "ex-boyfriend" is actually in fact the one who leaked and send the sex pictures and video to the I can safely say he is not doing himself any favors. The comments on his lack of endurance just keep coming. He was dub the "Two Minute Man" yesterday in the comments section of the last post. The video download links are below after the pics and screen shots. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Screen Shots from the Third Sex Video below.

Go cowgirl, ride it!
Singaporean Exhibitionist Blogger Sun Tan, Third Sex Tape
File Size: 12.2 MB - Runtime: 1:29 minutes
Sun Tan is Singaporean "Girlfriend of the Year" or maybe of the decade.
"Sun Tan," a Singaporean woman who enjoys posting nude photos and videos of herself on her blog. She and her boyfriend made many sex videos anf took many sex pictures for their blog "Sextisfy". She is probably the first Singaporean exhibitionist blogger ever and she does everything on camera. Posing nude outside in open public aeras and ever for sex pictures with her boyfriend, she shares everything. "Sextisfy", a blog belong to this exhibitionist couple, according to want is reported it was doing so well that they began to start charging its 10,000 weekly viewers a fee for exclusive content. Her exhibitionist blog is no longer available, a warning and the police report is now the only thing posted on the now defunct exhibitionism blog the last time I checked. Many Sun Tan's fans and blog viewers are looking for her now. I am guessing the Singapore government is not happy with a exhibitionist blog in their own backyard. Her blog might have been deleted out of legality fears.
Thanks to "Hotel69" or should I say? Sun Tan... Or maybe it's her so-called Ex-Boyfriend for the video and the pictures. Whoever, Thank You!
Go cowgirl, ride it!
Singaporean Exhibitionist Blogger Sun Tan, Third Sex Tape
File Size: 12.2 MB - Runtime: 1:29 minutes
Sun Tan is Singaporean "Girlfriend of the Year" or maybe of the decade.
"Sun Tan," a Singaporean woman who enjoys posting nude photos and videos of herself on her blog. She and her boyfriend made many sex videos anf took many sex pictures for their blog "Sextisfy". She is probably the first Singaporean exhibitionist blogger ever and she does everything on camera. Posing nude outside in open public aeras and ever for sex pictures with her boyfriend, she shares everything. "Sextisfy", a blog belong to this exhibitionist couple, according to want is reported it was doing so well that they began to start charging its 10,000 weekly viewers a fee for exclusive content. Her exhibitionist blog is no longer available, a warning and the police report is now the only thing posted on the now defunct exhibitionism blog the last time I checked. Many Sun Tan's fans and blog viewers are looking for her now. I am guessing the Singapore government is not happy with a exhibitionist blog in their own backyard. Her blog might have been deleted out of legality fears.
Thanks to "Hotel69" or should I say? Sun Tan... Or maybe it's her so-called Ex-Boyfriend for the video and the pictures. Whoever, Thank You!