Tonight Gwen Ifill will moderate the Vice Presidential debate, but there’s a big problem. It has been revealed that Ifill is writing a glowing book about Barack Hussein Obama, called The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama, which is set to go on sale on the new President’s inauguration day. Ifill has declined offers for her to withdraw from moderating the debate, despite the fact she has a financial interest in Obama’s success, and the obvious ethical conflict of interest. How dumb is the McCain Campaign to allow an Obama supporter to moderate the Only Vice Presidential debate?
Gwen Ifill appeared on Meet the Press, and said she would not appear on the Don Imus show after he made alleged racist comments. Ifill even heavily criticized her colleagues for appearing on Imus, calling their appearance unethical, and a conflict of interest. Ifill should know, because she is guilty of the same behavior.
Like Oprah, Ifill is putting her race and possible financial gain before all other interests. It’s just too bad she doesn’t practice what she preaches, but I’m sure she won’t lose any sleep, because she is not doing anything different than her liberal media peers are. I just hope her book makes millions and Obama take all of her profits in taxes. They can all suck my cock if they think I am going to pay Obama's tax increases so he can give his supports more welfare. Below are videos of the so-called journalist/moderator and prove of her bias.
Controversy swirled over vice presidential debate moderator Gwen Ifill one day before the face-off between Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden, after new scrutiny was drawn to her upcoming book featuring Barack Obama.
In stories published Wednesday on and WorldNetDaily's Web site, commentators noted that "Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" -- first announced several months ago -- is slated to be released around the inauguration of the next president in January 2009.
" if we needed any further evidence of a jaw-dropping double standard, we have to contemplate the sheer impossibility that someone who wrote a positive biography of [John] McCain being chosen to moderate a debate," wrote's Jim Geraghty on Wednesday.
The book, published by Doubleday, has not yet been released to critics or the public.
In the book, Ifill takes a look at the black political movement's beginnings during the Civil Rights movement that gave way "to a generation of men and women who are the direct beneficiaries of the struggles of the 1960s," according to
Ifill discussed the book in a interview with The Washington Post on September 4, well before the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the debate moderators.John McCain has had his complaints about the media this campaign, but says he trusts Gwen Ifill to do a fair job moderating Thursday night's vice presidential debate with running mate Sarah Palin and rival Joe Biden.
"I think Gwen Ifill is a professional and I think she will do a totally objective job because she is a highly respected professional," McCain told Fox News in an interview. "Does this help...if she has written a book that's favorable to Senator Obama? probably not. But I have confidence that Gewn Ifill will do a professional job."
McCain was responding to complaints from some conservative bloggers that Ifill cannot be fair and will slant the debate to help the Obama-Biden ticket. They note that she has a book coming out on Inauguration Day entitled, "The breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama," a book they say will sell better if Obama is the new president.
"She's so far in the tank for the Democrat presidential candidate, her oxygen delivery line is running out," said blogger Michelle Malkin.